Sunday 22 August 2010

to the world brand new.... an exhibition of new work by myself and glass artist phil vickery (not to be confused with the tv chef or rugby player).

it's the first traditional gallery show i've done in a while and i have to say it has been a delight! washington arts centre have been fantastic, especially curator susannah and technician duncan, who have treated us like 'proper artists' from first contact, right through to the opening night.

it has been great to get my head around some new work and resolve ideas that have been buzzing round my head for the past couple of years, in particular castle in the sky (pictured, top) a mixed media installation, which i mentioned as an 'idea in progress' in my first blog back in february. the exhibition combines installation with more representational neon pieces, birdhouse for the soul (pictured middle) and the abstract neon and concrete luna fossils (pictured, bottom) to explore ideas about home; the imaginary, the abstract and the actual. the lovely people at the crack magazine recommend you go see it if you can!

to the world brand new is showing at washington arts centre, tyne and wear from now until the 16th of october.


  1. well done sarah. im liking the pylons and looking forward to seeing more. the large luna fossils look impressive and have a presence about them.

  2. Interesting, I like the combination of elements used to create work.
